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Bridge News

Bridge News

Date Headlines
March 23, 2006 2 bids for bridge span -- low $1.43 billion
Caltrans to review deal, and contract could be awarded in April

(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
September 22, 2005 Bridge busted
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
September 13, 2005 Major repairs slow Bay Bridge traffic; Seismic upgrade project expected to run into 2009
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
September 4, 2005 No off-ramp from bridge work
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
August 11, 2005 Weekend Bay Bridge backups coming
Replacement of skyway in S.F. will lead to closures

(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
July 28, 2005 Cost plan outlined for Bay's new span
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
July 28, 2005 Bid process for bridge to begin next week; MTC hopes to keep span's contract price under $1.5 billion
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
July 24, 2005 16 years after quake, Bay Bridge project poised to begin
(Reposted from the Boston Globe)
July 20, 2005 Bay Bridge bill signing, part III
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
July 19, 2005 Feud now water under the bridge; Governor signs bill that ends political fighting over new bay span
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
July 19, 2005 Bill's signing ends rancor over bridge
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
July 19, 2005 Gov. Schwarzenegger signs brdige deal, responds to muscle magazine role
(Reposted from the San Diego Union Tribune)
July 14, 2005 Bay Bridge bill on Schwarzenegger's desk; Assembly votes 63-6 to give final approval to deal meant to get project moving again
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
July 14, 2005 Bay Bridge plan goes to governor
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
June 30, 2005 Panel approves bridge safety audit; Workers have alleged that bonuses were given for clean accident records on the span
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
June 27, 2005 Lost Bay Bridge time is taking its toll
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
June 25, 2005 Foes in Bay Bridge dispute meet in middle
(Reposted from the Los Angeles Times)
June 25, 2005 Bay Bridge deal: $1 hike in tolls allows span to retain distinctive design
(Reposted from the Sacramento Bee)
June 25, 2005 Motorists to dig deeper for soaring new Bay Bridge
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
June 25, 2005 Unnecessary tower will serve as monument to squabbling
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
June 24, 2005 Bay Bridge deal reached; Design to stay, Bay Area tolls would increase
(Reposted from the San Jose Mercury News)
June 24, 2005 Analysis: Bay Bridge compromise closes narrow gap
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
June 24, 2005 Timeline: Bay Bridge milestones
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
June 14 , 2005 Caltrans still pushing skyway as audit nears; Lawmakers, governor's office progress in talks to build original tower design
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
June 13, 2005 Editorial: Bay Bridge skyway
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
May 9, 2005 Bridge weld imbroglio is costing millions
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
May 8, 2005 With weld safety confirmed, Bay Bridge work resuming
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
May 8, 2005 A Bridge to Nowhere
(Reposted from the San Diego Union-Tribune)
May 5, 2005 Bridge welds pass U.S. muster
(Reposted from the Sacramento Bee)
May 5, 2005 Bay Bridge work gets a green light
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
May 5, 2005 Suspect pile welds pass tests
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
May 5, 2005 Tests find no problem with welds on bridge
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
May 3, 2005 Tests on Bay Bridge welds done
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
April 28, 2005 Bay span builders told to weld, but test results not yet in
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
April 21, 2005 Caltrans calls welds scrutinized
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
April 21, 2005 Hunks of welds headed to lab for rigorous tests
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
April 21, 2005 Chunks of bridge to be cut to check
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
April 17, 2005 Bridge bad-welds flap took on life of its own
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
April 15, 2005 Attorney general joins bridge probe
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
April 14, 2005 Inspection turns up no faulty welds Probe follows claims of slipshod work on new bay span
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
April 14, 2005 Bridge welders' complaints fell through cracks
(Reposted from the San Mateo County Times)
April 14, 2005 Perata proposes bond for Bay Bridge
(Reposted from the San Mateo County Times)
April 14, 2005 Caltrans says first looks at welds clean
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
April 14, 2005 Preliminary tests show bridge welds OK
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
April 12, 2005 Union papers sought in bay bridge probe
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
April 12, 2005 Cal-OSHA defends bridge safety
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
April 12, 2005 New round of sparring on bridge Governor spurns plan proposed by Bay Area legislators
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
April 10, 2005 Perata, Torlakson offer bridge proposal Extra dollar on toll, state bond would split cost of overrun
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
April 10, 2005 Bridge mess gets worse
(Reposted from the Sacramento Bee)
April 9, 2005 State aids FBI probe of welds on bridge Work stoppage for inspection costs $400,000 a day
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
April 9, 2005 Caltrans chief stands by welds
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
April 8, 2005 Defects Alleged in Bay Bridge
(Reposted from the Los Angeles Times)
April 8, 2005 Faulty welds dispute stops bridge work, delays testing
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
April 8, 2005 Scrutiny halts bridge work
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
April 8, 2005 Bay span work curtailed -- more feds called in
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
April 7, 2005 FBI looks into welds on bridge
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
April 7, 2005 Bay Bridge welding probed
(Reposted from the Sacramento Bee)
April 7, 2005 Welding fumes lead to workers' comp claims
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
April 7, 2005 Angry calls for more investigations
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
April 7, 2005 Injury record questioned
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
April 6, 2005 New plan to pay for Bay Bridge Assembly Dems call for $10 billion bond, cut in gasoline taxes
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
April 6, 2005 Bay Bridge welds focus of FBI probe
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
March 5, 2005 Lawmaker gets Bay Bridge preview Antioch's Torlakson favors design governor dislikes
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
February 16, 2005 Auditor demands Caltrans answers; Agency threatened with subpoenas over failure to disclose bridge report
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
February 6, 2005 Bumps likely for governor's bridge plan; Cost overruns, complications, delays expected
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
January 25, 2005 Caltrans offers bridge report mea culpa; Agency promises it won't hold back in the future
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
January 24, 2005 Report: Governor's Bay Bridge plan could end up costing more
(Reposted from the San Jose Mercury News)
January 24, 2005 Bridge grilling starts today; Lawmakers want to know why Caltrans never reported it couldn't fund the project
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
January 12, 2005 Hearings focus on new Bay Bridge span
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
January 3, 2005 Bay Bridge fight suspends all belief
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
December 22, 2004 Caltrans criticized for poor management of Bay Bridge project
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
December 20, 2004 State official discusses decision to change bridge
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
December 20, 2004 Skyway may not be best bridge fix; Studies find tower plan might still be easiest solution; audit due Wednesday
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
December 17, 2004 Pitch for a switch; Caltrans chief asks leaders to back skyway despite millions already spent
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
December 15, 2004 Dan Walters: France opens world-class bridge as Bay Area project sputters
(Reposted from the Sacramento Bee)
December 13, 2004 Will Bay Area get 'freeway on stilts' and higher toll?
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
December 11, 2004 Gov's low-budget bridge plan roils Bay Area waters
(Reposted from the Los Angeles Times)
December 11, 2004 New Bay Bridge design scaled back; State says a skyway will be cheaper than a suspension span
(Reposted from the Sacramento Bee)
December 11, 2004 Simpler? Definitely. Cheaper? Maybe. Price to Pay: Even if the new design saves money, state official says $4 toll is likely
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
December 11, 2004 Simpler? Definitely. Cheaper? Maybe. Anaylsis: For the Bay Bridge, less may be more appropriate
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
December 10, 2004 Bay Bridge project scaled back
(Reposted from the San Jose Mercury News)
December 10, 2004 New Bridge plan rumor: No tower
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
December 10, 2004 Governor picks simpler Bay Bridge plan; Stylish design to be abandoned in favor of skyway is response to mushrooming costs
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
December 8, 2004 Work on bridge detour stopped; Caltrans wants to study temporary connector's design; tower decision could come this week
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
December 2, 2004 Bridge review panel has experts on big projects; Officials identify those helping state find cheaper design
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
November 30, 2004 Finishing Bay Bridge no easy task
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
November 30, 2004 Small firms can't get big project
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
November 29, 2004 The Others; New spans, several retrofit projects outpace
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
November 28, 2004 Completion of Bay Bridge relies on concrete segments
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
November 28, 2004 Bay Bridge geofill key part of new span
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
November 28, 2004 Ironworkers put the pieces together
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
November 28, 2004 Original Bay Bridge also provided an economic boost; It was the world's costliest bridge, and it took a severe human toll, too
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
November 28, 2004 Span of Attention; Cost overruns, design controversy have overshadowed the creation of 280,000 jobs by Bay Area bridge work
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
November 24, 2004 Design begins anew for Bay Bridge
(Reposted from the San Jose Mercury News)
November 23, 2004 ANALYSIS: Bay Bridge cost-cutting could come at high price; Low-budget design might turn span into failure of our times
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
November 21, 2004 A plainer Bay Bridge plan for a tired public
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
November 15, 2004 Bridge plans back to drawing board; Tower to be redesigned 15 years after earthquake
(Reposted from the Tri-Valley Herald)
October 6, 2004 Span plan should be abandoned, panel says
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
October 1, 2004 State rejects bridge bid; Bay span to be rebid or redesigned
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
September 23, 2004 Bay Bridge faces deadline in a week; Time running out on only bid to finish replacement span
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
September 22, 2004 Official: Keep the span as planned; Bay Bridge study says it may cost more to change course than continue
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
September 20, 2004 List of woes almost as long as S.F. Bay Bridge
(Reposted from USA Today)
September 17, 2004 Bay Bridge project gets dual audits
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
September 16, 2004 Bay Bridge cost leaves panel split on solution
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
August 26, 2004 Perata flexes new job's muscles; He confronts governor on Bay Bridge overruns
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
August 26, 2004 Huge consultant bill for Bay Bridge; Caltrans spent almost $500 million of overruns on outside help
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
August 26, 2004 Editorial: A bridge too expensive: Those who use the Bay Bridge should pay
(Reposted from the Sacramento Bee)
August 24, 2004

Bay Bridge deal may be coming
(Reposted from the San Jose Mercury News

August 19, 2004 When a Bridge Becomes a Lifeline
(Reposted from Wired News)
August 17, 2004 Bay Bridge denied state aid; Cost overruns must be covered by Bay Area, Governor decides
(Reposted from the Sacramento Bee)
August 17, 2004 Governor says Bay Area Residents Should Pay Overruns of Bridge Project
(Reposted from the Los AngelesTimes)
August 17, 2004 Bridge costs may fall on Bay Area
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
August 17, 2004 Governor balks at Bay Bridge overruns; He says Bay Area alone should pay extra $2.3 billion
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
August 17, 2004 Arnold tells us to pay for span
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
August 15, 2004 Lawmakers fight over bill for rebuilt bridge; It's North vs. South over San Francisco's Bay Bridge project
(Reposted from the Los Angeles Times)
August 5, 2004 Clock ticks on funds for Bay Bridge
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
July 27, 2004 Caltrans seeks to review tower portion's cost, which came in twice as high as expected; another toll hike may be state's only solution
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
July 27, 2004 Giant part arrives for new Bay Bridge
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
July 26, 2004 Even with $3 tolls, Caltrans faces a shortfall
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
July 23 , 2004 2 pieces of new Bay Bridge make delta journey; 610-ton concrete building blocks are part of the viaduct portion of eastern span
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
May 29, 2004 Stalled on the bridge
(Reposted from the Oregonian)
May 28, 2004 'Freeway on stilts' begets costly span
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
May 28, 2004 Caltrans may be able to take lower bid for Bay Bridge
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle )
May 27, 2004 Single Bay Bridge bid offered
(Reposted from the Consta Costa Times)
May 27, 2004 Bay Bridge bill reaches new heights
(Reposted from the Oakland Tribune)
May 27, 2004 Lone bid for Bay Bridge way over estimate; $1.8 billion offer more than double Caltrans' hope
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
May 23, 2004 Bids on Bay Bridge to start this week
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
May 17, 2004 New Span Getting Costlier by the Minute; Bay Bridge project is a Budget-Buster
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
May 12, 2004 Foster Piling Chosen as Award Finalist for San Francisco Bridge Open Cell Sheetpile Slip
(Source: L. B. Foster Company)
April 27, 2004 Companies court allies for bridge bid
(Reposted from the Oregonian)
April 26, 2004 Patience needed for construction on Bay Bridge
(Reposted from the San Jose Mercury News)
April 4, 2004 Better Bay Bridge takes shape
(Reposted from the San Diego Union-Tribune)
March 17, 2004 Senator pushes to bid to land steel work
(Reposted from the Oregonian)
March 12, 2004 Portland, Ore.- Area Steel Fabricators Join Forces for San Francisco Bridge Bid
(Reposted from the Oregonian)
March 11, 2004 Local consortium to bid on Bay Bridge Work
(Reposted from the Business Journal of Portland)
February 12 , 2004 Work on new span's foundation about to enter noisy next phase
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
February 11, 2004 Bay Bridge construction reaches milestone
(Reposted from the Contra Costa Times)
February 7 , 2004 Inquiry may slow Bay Bridge work; Hearing to be held on construction firm
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
January 11, 2004 The New Bay Bridge; Artistic span's new technology designed to fare better in quake
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
January 11, 2004 Concrete evidence of Bay Bridge's progress
(Posted from the San Francisco Chronicle)
January 9 , 2004 On Bay Bridge, watch for concrete trucks
(Reposted from the San Francisco Chronicle)

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